Leeum Black Box Lounge

Walkable Artwork

The Leeum Black Box Lounge is a unique art installation designed by artist Tobias Rehberger. It is located at the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea.

The intense color scheme and immersive design create a of vibrant and graphical space, making it an unusual place to escape the distractions of daily life. Overall, the Leeum Black Box Lounge is a unique and thought-provoking installation that showcases the creativity and skill of artist Tobias Rehberger. It is a must-see for anyone interested in contemporary art or immersive design.

The Patterns

The interior of the room is designed to be a disorienting and immersive experience for visitors. The walls are covered in a series of black-and-white as well as cyan-and-magenta geometric patterns that appear to shift and change as the viewer moves around the space. The patterns are created using a technique called trompe l'oeil, which uses optical illusions to create the illusion of three-dimensionality.

Project Data

Project: Leeum Black Box Lounge Project

Location: Black Box Lounge, Samsung Museum of Art, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Result: Detailed design, experiment and test for realisation, production, construction
Date: May 2012
Partners: Artist - Tobias Rehberger, Spatial Planning -Samwoo Engineering & Construction, Production - Yieum

Bastian Wibranek and David Behrens were comissioned with the development of an algorithm for the patterns and their application to the space and the furniture.
URL : www.leeum.org